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Make it in a career of the future

Home to 243,798 people, Townsville North Queensland supports 109,413 jobs and has an annual economic output of $43.1 billion.

Townsville North Queensland, known as the Second Capital of Queensland, is a thriving precinct offering land availability for business, living and leisure, abundant water, transport links to Asia-Pacific and Papua New Guinea, superfast communication technology such as the National Broadband Network (NBN) and a superb tropical lifestyle.

Sources: ABS, National Skills Commission, ID Data, Remplan, QGSO

Make it in a career of the future
Population 243,798
Employment 109,413
Average Household Income $84K
GRP $21Bn
Unemployment 3.7%

Regional Breakdown

Townsville Burdekin Hinchinbrook Charters Towers
GRP $17.4Bn $1.5Bn $814M $1.2B
Median House Price $440K $255K $257K $288K
Total Employment 91,727 7,632 4,532 5,152
2023 Population 201,433 17,020 11,118 12,013
2043 Population Projection 276,697 15,606 9,069 11,114

Our Key Industries

Townsville North Queensland’s greatest strength is our diverse industry base, with no one sector making up more than 15% of our Gross Regional Product (GRP). Our region's strengths across several critical industries such as Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing, Defence, Construction and Tourism are the solid foundation on which a strong and growing economy has been based.

Employment by Industry

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